AxIT Strength Testing

Get Strength Tested Like a Professional Athlete here in North West Melbourne.


We are proud to introduce the use of state of the art, life changing assessment technology in the AxIT system here at Keilor Road Physiotherapy. Want to understand if a strength limitation or imbalance is holding you back? With AxIT we can measure this in seconds.

Have you found your injury rehabilitation or training beginning to stagnate? It could be because you are not training the right areas appropriately. With the AxIT system we can analyse every muscle and movement in the body, creating a unique plan for you to help you achieve your specific goals.

Let us help you take your injury rehabilitation or training to the next level.

We choose to use the AxIT system to measure how our clients move, because you can’t change what you can’t measure. This allows us to set baselines, track progression over time and identify imbalances that may be holding you back from achieving your goals.

Take a personalised approach to health and fitness.

The AxIT system allows us to measure:

• Baseline strength and power.

• Imbalances of muscles and movements.

• Progression and improvement over time.

We don’t guess with your health and if you’re not measuring you’re guessing. Want to learn exactly what you should be training to get amazing health and fitness outcomes and achieve your movement goals?

Our AxIT system provides a comprehensive 40 minute physical assessment that uncovers your true physical profile. Make sure you’re getting a 21st century approach to caring for your health and fitness. As part of a golf assessment, we may also conduct a comprehensive strength assessment using our cutting-edge AxIT Performance ForceDecks and dynamometry equipment. Book an assessment with the most state of the art assessment technology, the AxIT system.