Effective Neck Pain Physio Essendon, Niddrie and North West Melbourne.
Expert physiotherapy for neck pain treatment Melbourne
We treat necks so often here at Keilor Road Physiotherapy, we’ve dedicated a post to neck pain ‘How to Get Rid of Neck Pain’. Also check out our article about exercises for neck pain.
What is physiotherapy for neck pain
Physiotherapy is one of the most common treatments for neck pain. Most physio techniques for neck pain involve treatment to reduce pain and/or stiffness in the acute phase when they are at their worst. Once pain is decreased and neck range of motion increases, neck physiotherapy looks to develop dynamic strengthening of the cervical spine and its supporting musculature, as well as strategies to prevent neck pain recurring.
What causes neck pain?
A sore neck can present due to physiological changes or due to how we use our neck on a day to day basis.
Physiological changes including osteoarthritis, disc degeneration, muscular changes and injury/trauma induced whiplash are all known to contribute to cervical pain.
Current research has revealed that people with even an acute neck strain have reduced activation of the core muscles of the neck (the deep cervical flexor muscles) and overactivity of the superficial muscles (the sternocleidomastoid and anterior scalene muscles) compared to people without neck pain (Jull et. al., 2009).
Lifestyle factors such as excessive screen time, poor work and home ergonomic set up and reduced physical activity levels are also commonly related to neck pain.
Some of the common causes of neck pain our physios treat:
Acute Neck Pain
Locked facet joint
Wry neck
Cervical Radiculopathy including pins & needles radiating into the arm(s)
Disc prolapse/bulge
Pinched nerve root
Chronic neck pain & osteoarthritis
Neck pain relief.
Neck physiotherapy for common causes of neck pain
Acute neck pain is often described as an ache when the head is still. The movements of the neck are frequently reduced and in some circumstances, a sharp pain may be felt with certain movements such as turning quickly or looking up.
There may be a specific incident that causes acute neck pain. It may come on suddenly from a trivial incident, such as a quick turn of the neck or sleeping in an awkward position. Sometimes the neck feels as though it is ’stuck’. On the other hand, there may be a more substantial injury such as hitting the head and bending the neck on the side of a pool or in a fall from a bike. In many other cases, the pain comes on gradually over hours or days, and is often related to unfamiliar activity, for instance, after painting ceilings all weekend or working in a poor or awkward posture.
As a result of the incident or unfamiliar activity, the joints and ligaments of neck may become strained and painful. The muscles usually react to limit movement and they too may become painful. Acute neck pain can range in intensity from mild to moderate severity, and is usually made worse by head and neck movements. The neck is usually tender to touch and sleeping may be uncomfortable.
Cervical radiculopathy, or neck nerve pain occurs when the nerve is irritated or compressed (pinched) as it passes through the tunnel on its path to the arm. When a nerve is truly pinched, there may be pain in the neck and shoulder region, but the worst pain is commonly felt in the arm. It is also common to feel sensations of pins and needles in the fingers or parts of the arm. Symptoms are often quite severe and it can be difficult to find positions of relief.
Our team of experts here at KRP make the diagnosis of cervical radiculopathy by considering the nature of the pain and other symptoms, as well as an examination of the neck and neurological examination, which involves testing of reflexes, muscle strength and sensation in the arm. If we think it’s indicated, an X-ray, CT scan or MRI may help confirm the clinical diagnosis.
Cervical radiculopathy is a very unpleasant condition and conservative management methods used by the team here at KRP can help progressively ease symptoms and get you functioning at 100%.
Neck pain treatment.
Chronic neck pain is normally associated with osteoarthritis in the neck. Osteoarthritis can occur in any age group, but is more common in the middle-aged to older population. Arthritis may be secondary to injury or over-loading of the neck, but it also appears that some people have a genetic predisposition.
The team here at KRP will undertake a comprehensive clinical examination to analyse postures and tasks that aggravate your neck pain, and any other symptoms, such as light-headedness or unsteadiness associated with the neck. Further, a series of physical tests will determine how the neck pain disorder is affecting the movement and muscle function of the neck region.
Home Remedies for Neck Pain
While there is no one stiff neck remedy, there are a number of things that you can do at home to reduce the likelihood of developing a neck strain. These include:
- Maintaining a healthy lifestyle including regular exercise. Research shows that people who exercise and have increased muscle mass are happier, more productive and report less pain (Korhonen, et al, 2003). While specific neck strengthening exercises are effective at reducing pain in office workers (Chen et al, 2017).
- Lifestyle changes - we know that people with cardiovascular disease experience neck pain at a higher rate than the rest of the community.
- Appropriate sleeping postures and habits. Ensuring that your pillow and mattress are appropriate for you. Just like your toothbrush or the tires on your car your pillow and mattress will wear out and eventually need to be replaced. Speak to your physiotherapist for advice on what may best suit your body if you feel that it is time to upgrade your sleeping habits.
What Neck Pain Physio Involves At Keilor Road Physiotherapy
Neck pain physiotherapy here at Keilor Road Physiotherapy uses a multimodal approach including advice about aggravating factors, hands on massage therapy, exercise and self management strategies to prevent the recurrence of your neck pain.
All of the physiotherapists at Keilor Road Physiotherapy are highly skilled in diagnosing the underlying cause of neck pain conditions. Following a thorough physical assessment your therapist will take time to explain the mechanisms and structures that are causing your symptoms.
Our philosophy is to ensure that all patients are provided with a tailored health plan that is specific to them, this will include goal setting and education regarding expectations for recovery and treatment time lines.
There is a range of treatment techniques that your therapist may decide is appropriate for you, these may include:
Manual therapy including joint mobilisations and massage to improve joint mobility and stiffness.
Targeted exercise program to improve postural strength and to reduce load on over stressed muscles.
Deep neck stabiliser strength.
Pain management modalities including ice/heat.
Postural analysis and ergonomic advice for the workplace, car or sleeping and advice on assistive devices such as pillows, desks and supports.
Stress management, mindfulness and lifestyle advice.
Referral to appropriate medical or allied health services when indicated.
Contact our friendly expert physios at KRP
Servicing Niddrie, Essendon, Airport West, Keilor, Moonee Ponds, Glenroy & the Northern suburbs for over 40 years, you can book with one of our highly trained head and neck team online here or call 93794557 to speak to one of our admin superstars.