Tennis Elbow Pain
Tennis elbow or what is clinically known as lateral elbow tendinopathy is a common elbow condition that affects both males and females equally, often being seen in people between their third and fifth decade. It causes pain and functional limitations, for example gripping, lifting and pouring, due to mechanical overuse or repetitive movements that loading through the wrist extensor muscles. This overuse can cause stress through the common extensor tendon resulting in sensitisation and pain.
Elbow pain treatment.
The diagnosis is generally made through a comprehensive physical examination and imaging is generally not required to make this diagnosis. Our highly skilled physiotherapists perform this examination to determine the exact location of the pain, the pain characteristics, aggravating activities and specific strength testing can all assist in determining an accurate diagnosis and actual stage of the condition. Examination of the neck and surrounding areas will help rule out other contributing areas that may coexist with this condition.
Management strategies and treatment goals for lateral elbow tendinopathy are targeted towards pain management, elbow movement preservation, improving strength and endurance of the muscles involved and most importantly a return to normal activities and function.
Elbow pain relief.
Keystone to the management of this condition is the restoration of sufficient load tolerance through the tendon to ensure that the tendon can meet the demands of each daily activity that it is placed under. Keilor Road Physiotherapists are in the expert position of determining what stage the condition is at and then targeting appropriate and evidence based tendon treatment principles to ensure best management of this condition.
Keilor Road Physiotherapists are experts in determining what stage the condition is at and then targeting appropriate and evidence based tendon treatment principles to ensure best management of this condition. Servicing Niddrie, Essendon, Airport West, Keilor & Melbourne’s Northern suburbs for over 40 years, you can book with one of our highly trained expert physiotherapists below or call 93794557 to speak to one of our admin superstars.
Related links
Bhabra G et al (2016) Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy: Development of a Pathophysiology Based Treatment Algorithm. Orthop J Sports Med 2016.
Article by
Sheree Harris | Physiotherapist
Sheree completed her Bachelor of Applied Science (Physical Education) from RMIT and worked for numerous years as a Secondary School Physical Education and Science teacher, prior to completing a Doctor of Physiotherapy at the University of Melbourne.