10 Reasons Why Pilates Is For You
“Change happens through Movement and Movement Heals”
- Joseph Pilates
Reformer Pilates.
Pilates is a form of exercise that is suitable for just about anyone.
It uses a system of exercises designed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920s and is designed to improve strength, posture, flexibility and overall physical fitness and mental well-being.
Pilates is designed to be a safe, simple and effective form of exercise that can be done by anyone including those recovering from an injury, pregnant women, people who suffer chronic joint pain, or for those wanting to strengthen their core and spinal support.
Pilates at Keilor Rd Physiotherapy is specifically targeted towards your individual needs be that from injury prevention through to injury rehabilitation or as an adjunct to your overall strength and conditioning training.
As movement specialists we focus on taking functional movement into a balanced body so that you can achieve your goals.
Pilates featuring Mat work for core strength.
So at a glance here are just 10 Reasons Why Pilates is for You!
1. Pilates helps develop better whole-body and mind health
2. Every Pilates exercise involves both strength and flexibility
3. Pilates focuses on improving functional movement
4. Pilates develops longer, leaner muscles, rather than bulk
5. Pilates can help improve posture
6. Pilates can help reduce your risk of Injury
7. Pilates can help alleviate both muscular and joint body aches and pains
8. Pilates improves core strength and spinal support
9. Pilates helps reduce stress
10. Pilates Improves balance and body movement control
Servicing Niddrie, Essendon, Airport West, Keilor & Melbourne’s Northern suburbs for over 40 years, you can book with one of our highly trained expert physiotherapists below or call 93794557 to speak to one of our admin superstars.
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Article by
Jo Carchedi
Jo has a Diploma in National Pilates training. She has been teaching Pilates in group reformer, as well as pregnancy, clinical and small apparatus for the last 12 years. Having worked with allied health professionals over this time, including Physiotherapists, Jo knows people move differently and every BODY needs Pilates for different reasons. Jo would genuinely like to know your reason.